“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”- Zig Ziglar I owe a couple of really great people full credit for this blog post. I had such great intentions of writing every week, then I went to the South Pacific, school started for the kids again and […]
Dr. A
You’ve heard of diabetes, but what exactly is pre-diabetes and why does it matter? Many conditions begin to manifest themselves before they result in end organ damage. The job of wellness promotion and disease prevention is to recognize that prior to all of a sudden developing a disease, there is a “pre” […]
Confession of a prior sugarholic
Yes, it is me. I was a prior sugarholic! Anyone else want to fess up to this? I have exercised and have been active all my life but like many of you, I LOVE to eat and previously the sweeter the better. A few years ago, when my family and I first moved to Alaska, […]
Obesity Rates for Women Worsen
You may have heard of the article that discusses the obesity rates in the United States that was published this week in The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) (1). This study analyzes data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and shows that the prevalence of obesity in adults from 2013 to 2014 was 35% in […]
Exercise as medicine?
Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. Exercise truly is better than medications. Name one medicine you can take with the following benefits: Reduces depression Decreases the risk of falls Reduces the risk of early death Reduces the risk of several cancers including colon and breast cancer Decreases the risk of stroke, coronary artery disease, hypertension, […]
What if you lived in a Blue Zone?
This February, Stanford Center on Longevity and TIME magazine released a survey of 2,300 adults showing that 77% of Americans want to live to 100. The problem is, as a society we are not putting our money where our mouth is. We are not prepared! Chronic disease, illness, stress and financial insecurity will keep us […]
Welcome to Wellness!
Hi, my name is Angela Alfaro MD and by training I am a family physician, by profession a doctor, teacher, listener and counselor and by passion a wife, a mother of 4 very active children and a wellness advocate. Like many of you I have struggled with finding my passion and purpose in life, you […]